Go To These Places!

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Roadhouse episode 15.5 "Wednesday talks about Buffy"

My daughter talks about Buffy. Well, actually, she mostly talks about Harmony and her unicorns and posters.


  1. 2:06 I actually applauded when she answered Spike. She has good taste. She's also really cute.

  2. She so looks like you! Which totally makes sense, because you're related. Still, she's a Mini-Jen :-)

  3. She is slaying me with cuteness!!! See what I did there?

  4. Omg she is so cute! Also mass props for naming your daughter Wednesday. :D

  5. She's your image. And she loves Buffy. Thus, she is your Mini-You.

    Your minion is adorable!

  6. She is adorable! And I have always loved the name Wednesday for my non-existent daughter.

  7. I couldn' watch the video, as my "smart phone" is anything but. However the post made me remember, how are those adorable "children" of hers. You all remember, that beautiful statue your granny bought? Just wondered if they had managed to open that portal to hell in your cellar yet?

    1. I was wondering about them too! That post literally made me lol.


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