Go To These Places!

Friday, January 25, 2013

Roadhouse Episode 15: "A little bit of the Jossverse and a whole lot of screwing around."

Our Jossverse discussion goes completely off the rails and my husband inadvertently shows buttcrack.


  1. I so wanted Joss to do Star Wars. But it's been announced that JJ Abrams is going to do it. I'm pretty stoked, because I think he'll do a great job, but I really wanted to see some Jedi Joss action.

  2. Loool, to the best of my knowledge it is pronounced Bore-eee-an-az. I don't know if that's official though I feel like I've heard them say it like that in interviews and such. Voila! :)

  3. So I have a very important question. I've been Rewatching Buffy recently with my male roommates and we've been having a perpetual Xander Debate. I hate Xander. I think he's a slut-shamey Nice Guy douche. But they seem to love him and think I'm wrong. What say you?

    1. YES! I'm actually rewatching the series, and I'll be doing blog posts (1 per season as I go along) to highlight certain points I feel are often overlooked by fans. THAT IS ONE OF THEM. Xander is a big fucking nice guy douche bag who only cares about Buffy because of the slim-to-none chance of getting into her panties.

    2. I also am rewatching and was totally thinking to myself yesterday - "Wow, Xander is kind of an ass" I didn't even notice before.

    3. I think that too. I don't totally dislike him but he is quite slut-shamey at times. I particularly hated the story-line where Buffy and Riley spilt up. He felt she was emotionally distant or whatever but instead of talking about it to her, dealt with it by going to that vampire brothel thing and then given her a "get over it or I'm leaving ultimatum" and somehow it ended up being her fault. All her friends were pretty bad but Xander was just the worst.

    4. But he's only like that in the first 2-3 seasons, as soon as Anya and him develop a relationship he becomes a way better character. Also Xander's the one who made Buffy realize that she didn't want Riley to leave so how was Xander the worst?

    5. That scene you describe is what MAKES Xander terrible. Riley betrayed Buffy in a huge way and then gave HER an ultimatum to either get over it or he was leaving. Being a sensible person she chose the leaving. But then Xander pointed out to her that Riley's betrayal was HER OWN FAULT because she wasn't emotionally available enough. Because as I once read a blogger describe him, Xander is the Keeper of Buffy's Failures. Especially when they involve men that aren't Xander.

    6. That's exactly what I was trying to say. Riley was the one that behaved badly but Xander made turned it all around to be Buffy's fault. He was also totally unsupportive about her thing with Spike and that was while/after he was with Anya. I wouldn't exactly expect him to be happy and encouraging about that whole thing but he went to the extreme in his judgements.

  4. So excited about Danny Trejo!!!! I love that man.

  5. Mr Jen = mega cutiepie


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