Go To These Places!

Friday, January 18, 2013

Roadhouse Cancelled Due To Illness

Don't worry! We'll have part 2 of our Jossverse discussion next week. I was just way too shitty feeling to do literally anything this week. So instead, look at this cute person I incubated, singing "Still Alive" from Portal at his school assembly:

I'm just about out of the woods with this devil disease, and everything should be back to normal with a recap on Monday.


  1. Amazing. Love the bright smile at the end!

  2. Your son's name is Christian?? Oh, the irony, lol. I'm sorry, it made me laugh.

  3. What an awesome voice, your son can sing! :) P.S. I love that you used the word 'incubated' lmao

  4. Feel better soon! This is to cheer you up: i.imgur.com/miMu0.jpg

  5. That's adorable and hilarious. He's really good. I played through the whole game so I could hear the song at the end because I heard this song first. He rocked it for sure.

  6. Wow. Great voice and he looks very much liks you!


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